
A Thousand Years of History

In 986 the March of Tuscany and the March of Spoleto were ruled by Marquis Ugo, a follower and faithful follower of Otto III, who played an important role in imperial action against the great secular feudal lords.

Marquis Hugh, a proponent of ecclesiastical reform, helped Romuald, who later became a saint, to found numerous monasteries.
It was precisely in 986 that St Romuald, from the Benedictine-Camaldolese monastery in Bagno di Romagna, went for a short time to the hermitage of St Alberic and founded a 'hospice' of his Order in the immediate vicinity, which later became an important monastery called 'Monasterim Sancti Johannis Baptistae inter ambas Paras'.

The first document mentioning it has been lost, but it is mentioned on a charter of 1125: it is the privilege of exemption from episcopal authority that was granted by Pope Gregory VII in 1076.

This helps to understand that the monastery was founded many years earlier: these privileges were only granted when the monastery achieved a certain notoriety, a process that usually took several decades.

The famous Abbey of Cluny, for example, was founded in 910 and only in 998 did it obtain the privilege of its own autonomy from Pope Gregory V; Camaldoli sixty years after its formation in 1072 from Alexander II; Fonte Avellana, founded in 885 was granted the privilege by Silvester II in 1003.

The presence of Gebizo, prior in ambas paras and bishop of Cesena, facilitated the monastery's donation of the privilege